Check out these really cool podiobooks by Mark Yoshimoto Nemcoff

Transistor Rodeo
Currently listening to this right now,
Great fun, action adventure about
robots run amok in downtown L.A.

(I actually heard this prequel first by accident, but it was superior I thought to the original)
pretty NC-17 horror novel here,
at first i thought it was some sort of lukewarm
Dexter type of novel, but it's a compelling,
insane read, so much more than what I thought it would be.
Definitely not for
the weak, but really awesome podiobook.
(I actually heard this prequel first by accident, but it was superior I thought to the original)

pretty NC-17 horror novel here,
at first i thought it was some sort of lukewarm
Dexter type of novel, but it's a compelling,
insane read, so much more than what I thought it would be.
Definitely not for
the weak, but really awesome podiobook.
Check out more of his work @